Social Media for Business

Social Media for Business

During the next five – six months, we will focus on social media for business. In our blog posts, we will discuss five topics on social media for business. Within each topic, there are five to seven subtopics. Each of our posts will cover each subtopic.

After we complete the last subtopic, we will offer a free webinar, which will cover the entire topic, (including the subtopics), more in depth, as each blog post will be only an overview of each subtopic. We will keep you up to date as to when the webinar will be held, as well as registration information.

The five topics we will cover include:social media marketing

This week we will discuss Introduction to Social Media and share various methods to figure out where you are on the social media scale. Do you love engaging in social media or do you dread having to social network?

To ensure that your social media plan help to grow your business and increase your niche community, make social media a part of your overall business plan, as well as understand your customers or clients.

First, it’s important to understand your own online social preferences and habits; where you are on the social media scale.

It’s vital to realize that you and your customers’ or clients’ personalities change when interacting on any given social network. For example, when networking on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or LinkedIn, you have a different personality based on the network.

social mediaAlso, the type of personality will determine how the social networker will use a particular network. For example, a user that only uses Twitter is generally more extroverted than introverted. For an introverted Twitter user, social media involvement feels more of a chore than a pleasure. An extroverted Twitter user hates wasting time.

Part of having a successful social media business plan is to determine your personality as well as your customers’ or clients’ personalities. You can take the free Twitter-oriented personality test at Myers-Briggs (from Human Metrics) and Keirsey Temperament Sorter (free mini-report) are a couple of more tests you can take to determine your personality type. In the webinar, we will discuss personalities more in detail.

Studying personalities will help you to learn your customers or clients, where they hang out, as well as how they interact on each social media network. Learning your personality type will help you determine who you want to do business with. You may even learn how you interact on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or LinkedIn.

Come back next week as we analyze the flow patterns in your social media interaction. Which network do you spend the most time on? Do you know your personality type? Mine is the Good-Natured Realist based on the personality test over at See you next week!

RJ's Internet Marketing Services
RJ’s Internet Marketing Services

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